Samanthya Wyatt Tells A Powerful Story by Stacy Hoff

Hello Passionate readers! Today on Nights of Passion I have author Samanthya Wyatt talking about what makes a powerful story!

The power of your story is in the character’s true emo­tions. The reader wants to be involved with the characters. Wants to be the character. Living the life of the character in her/his dreams. A writer draws the reader in, por­traying per­sonal emo­tions or char­ac­ters’ feel­ings about an expe­ri­ence or sit­u­a­tion.

Have I accom­plished this?

I certainly hope so. All I ever wanted was to see my book sitting on a shelf in the book store. As a beginner, I had so much to learn. First, I had to make my MS the best it could be. Once I joined RWA, I took workshops and gained a wealth of information. I grew as a writer. When I finally finished my first historical romance, I was thrilled to send it off with the hope, like everyone else, I wanted to be published. In 2013 I signed my first contract with Soul Mate Publishing.

Since 2014, I’ve published seven romance novels in historical and contemporary. I write hot, sizzling romance. Each of my books have a beginning and a romantically satisfying end for my characters happily ever after. Nothing is left hanging. I love the idea of a connection from a previous book.

In the first book of my historical trilogy, “The Right One”, Katherine’s brother is missing. Book two, The True One, is Stephen’s story—why he was gone for two years, what happened to him, and a love story all his own. Book three, The Only One, is about the duke who was introduced in the first book and rescues Kat’s brother in the second book.

My contemporaries feature strong characters, a tad of suspense, and a fulfilling ending. I get a lot of joy from creating new characters and bringing them together in a romantic tale. My characters have depth, emotional investments, life-threatening challenges. The power of a story is in the character’s true emotions. The reader wants to be in the moment. Feel what the characters feel – emotionally. I try to give this to my readers. My scenes may be steamy, but hopefully I have written the scene in a way that goes beyond just doing the deed.

My newest release is Instant Enticement. Read on for an excerpt!


A naked woman in the shower . . .

Craig couldn’t believe his eyes. A practical joke on his friend turned out to be a naked beauty standing before him in all her fine glory. He was too shocked for words. A man who had his share of women, suddenly found himself speechless before this exotic creature. She was an aching temptation. Surrendering to his passion could cost him his best friend. Yet, he yearned to taste, to touch . . . but she was hands off.

Kelly has given upon men. Once she’d been young, beautiful, full of life, and way too trusting. But her last relationship changed all that. All men were liars—except for her best friend. The only man she would ever trust. At least that’s what she thought . . . until she met his best friend, Craig. He turned her world upside down and had her rethinking her vow. She yearns to taste the ecstasy his dark eyes promise. But he holds back. And now she must convince him she is innocent of betrayal.

I’m very excited about my latest book. Instant Enticement has a surprise, twist ending with some delightful characters. I write because I enjoy it. And because I hope to give someone else the pleasure of a romance. Whether you want to escape reality or just live in the moment of fantasy, I hope you will enjoy a few hours of reading one of my books.

Please enjoy this short excerpt:

Kelly drew a deep breath. She gathered her composure, pondering Robert’s face when she confronted him. She stood beside the table for long excruciating seconds before he noticed her presence.

Robert glanced up, obviously expecting a waitress. His eyes filled with disbelief. His astonishment quickly changed to anger. A piece of her heart splintered when the smile on his face turned formidable.

“Hello, Robert.” Thank God her voice sounded normal.

She was no stranger to his moods. His tense body reminded her of a caged lion ready to spring. The truth hit her like a Mack Truck. Guilt. Robert had lied to her. It was written all over his face. She turned to the woman sitting across from him.

“Hello,” she said with a degree of courteous formality. “I’m Kelly.” From the corner of her eye, she saw Robert stand.

“Excuse me, Miss, uh, Kelly.”

Miss. Had he forgotten her name? Squirm, you bastard.

“I’m having a private dinner,” he said. “Maybe we can talk in my office. Would you call me tomorrow?”

Without taking her eyes from the woman who’d been silent the entire time, Kelly replied, “I’d be happy to call you tomorrow, Robert. If you introduce me to your companion and tell me who the hell she is.”

The woman flushed and her eyes darted to Robert. “Yes. I’d like an introduction as well.”

Robert grasped Kelly’s arm and she immediately shook it loose, which caused her to stagger back a step. So much for being levelheaded.

“Kelly.” His voice cracked like thunder. “Please leave.” It wasn’t a request. He was furious. The veins in his neck stood out. What the hell was he so angry about? He was the one two-timing her. Shame and anger took over her common sense.

“Not until you tell me why you cancelled our date and I find you here with her.” Kelly’s voice grew louder until she practically shouted. On the last word, she flung out one hand and pointed an accusing finger directly to the woman dining with him.

The woman’s faced reddened, in anger or embarrassment, Kelly couldn’t tell.

“I’m his wife. Who are you?”

I love to hear from readers. To find out more about me and updates on my books, please visit my website:

Samanthya Wyatt  bio

Samanthya lives with her husband in the Shenandoah Valley. She left her accounting career and married a military man traveling and making her home in the United States and abroad. Once she found historical romance novels, she couldn’t put a book down. She fell in love with the characters and needed to know their happy ending.

One day she put words to paper creating a story of her own. The more she wrote, the more she became involved with the characters, and they seemed to take a life of their own. She relishes the challenge of penning a story with strong characters, a bit of humor, and active scenes. She enjoys creating new characters and bringing them together in a romantic tale. It took years of writing, joining RWA, joining chapters, entering contests, submissions& rejections which created the author she is today. By keeping her spirit and turning criticism into drive she has achieved her career as a published romance author.

Samanthya Wyatt Contact Information



Twitter:       @ samanthyawyatt



Review Site:


All books available at

 BUY LINK for Instant Enticement:








Kindle version:


JOCKEYING FOR YOU print version

JOCKEYING FOR YOU Kindle version


DESIRE IN THE ARCTIC print version

DESIRE IN THE ARCTIC kindle version



LAWFULLY YOURS print version

LAWFULLY YOURS Kindle version 



This entry was posted in Author Interviews, Characters, contemporary romance, Emotions, romance, Stacy Hoff, Writing Advice, writing life, Writing Topics and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Samanthya Wyatt Tells A Powerful Story by Stacy Hoff

  1. Petie McCarty says:

    AWESOME excerpt! Best of luck with your book but you won’t need it if the rest of the book, is as good as that excerpt!

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