Sara Dobie Bauer Wants to Bite Somebody by Heather Novak

My Dear Ghosts, Ghouls, Zombies, and Vamps,

vamp-saraWith the witching hour nearly upon us, it is time to dive head first into All Hallows’ Eve – okay, enough of trying to talk spooky. I’m super excited for Halloween and to celebrate, I’m interviewing paranormal romance author, model, and mental health advocate Sara Dobie Bauer!

I had the pleasure of meeting Sara at Rust City Book Convention (you can read about that here) and immediately fangirled/girl-crushed all over her vampire fangs. Seriously, if you corner my step mom, she’ll tell you stories about my fang wearing days when I had purple contacts and Hot Topic trench coats. Thank god it was before Facebook…(I deactivated my Myspace, right?!?!)

I came home and devoured Sara’s book Bite Somebody and knew I needed to have her on Nights of Passion. So without further ado, please welcome Sara!

author-photo-saraSara Dobie Bauer is a writer, model, and mental health advocate with a creative writing degree from Ohio University. She spends most days at home as a book nerd and sex-pert for Her short story, “Don’t Ball the Boss,” was nominated for the Pushcart Prize, inspired by her shameless crush on Benedict Cumberbatch. She lives with her hottie husband and two precious pups in Northeast Ohio, although she’d really like to live in a Tim Burton film. She is a member of RWA and author of the paranormal rom-com Bite Somebody, among other ridiculously entertaining things.

Thanks for joining us Sara! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I can’t do cartwheels. I write ridiculously entertaining things—some serious, some not—in every genre. I write about sex a lot as a nonfiction columnist. (My parents just loved reading about that time I wore Ben Wa balls to a birthday party.) I’m married to an ben-and-saraincredibly gorgeous man, but that does not deter me from an obsessive fabricated relationship with Benedict Cumberbatch. I have two dogs, and they are the only children this mama will ever have. I live in Ohio, but I’d really like to live in a Tim Burton film. Oh, and I model and sing and drink bourbon. (Mmm … bourbon.)

Tell us about your book, Bite Somebody! I’m a little obsessed with this book – I’ve read it twice (no shame).

“Do you want to be perfect?” 

That’s what Danny asked Celia the night he turned her into a vampire. Three months have bitesomebody_finalpassed since, and immortality didn’t transform her into the glamorous, sexy vamp she was expecting, but left her awkward, lonely, and working at a Florida gas station. On top of that, she’s a giant screw-up of an immortal, because the only blood she consumes is from illegally obtained hospital blood bags. 

What she needs to do—according to her moody vampire friend Imogene—is just … bite somebody. But Celia wants her first bite to be special, and she has yet to meet Mr. Right Bite. Then, Ian moves in next door. His scent creeps through her kitchen wall and makes her nose tingle, but insecure Celia can’t bring herself to meet the guy face-to-face. 

When she finally gets a look at Ian’s cyclist physique, curly black hair, and sun-kissed skin, other parts of Celia tingle, as well. Could he be the first bite she’s been waiting for to complete her vampire transformation? His kisses certainly have a way of making her fangs throb. 

Just when Celia starts to believe Ian may be the fairy tale ending she always wanted, her jerk of a creator returns to town, which spells nothing but trouble for everyone involved.

Bite Sombody was the perfect mix of vampire, comedy, and love story. How did you think up the premise?

I’ve read vampire books my whole life, so I know the clichés. Knowing the clichés allowed me the freedom to play with them. I had a thought: What if some insecure, lonely girl gets turned into a vampire and expects to wake up looking like Kate Beckinsale but instead wakes up same old, same old, just paler and with a hankering for blood? What if said girl has never had an orgasm? What if she’s never even had a meaningful relationship—with anyone? How would she navigate not only being immortal but also being immortal and making friends? And who would she fall in love with?

Celia became my protagonist, Imogene became her crazy vampire friend (semi-autobiographical), and Ian became the dreamboat next door. I had the premise and the characters, and the comedy was easy what with how ridiculous these people are. Plus, set anything in the Florida Keys and you’re guaranteed a good time.

Where is your favorite place to write?

I have an office in my house with a big window that overlooks the street. There are creepy dolls in my office. I stare at my neighbors sometimes, especially the lady who’s always yelling at her kids. Fascinating. My dog, Ripley, works as my office assistant. When I say “work,” I mean she sits in a chair behind me and stares at me all day. I pay her in pieces of cheese. I can’t write in public because I talk to myself when I write, and that generally freaks people out, especially when my characters argue.

Do you prefer football or hockey? Beer or wine?

I’m an annoyingly psychotic football fan. Michigan Wolverines and Pittsburgh Steelers are my shtick. Strangely, I met most of my ex-boyfriends due to my fascination with football. They apparently found my foul-mouthed screaming quite sexy. I once screamed the f-word at my mom through the phone because she made the mistake of calling during a Steelers red zone offensive. I drink beer—lots of beer—although bourbon is the way to my twisted, purple heart.

Who are some authors you love to read when you find time?

I always find time. I’m a crazed reader. I eat words like stoned people eat potato chips. Favorite authors include Neil Gaiman, Christopher Moore, and Rainbow Rowell. Favorite books include Fahrenheit 451, Fight Club, Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Great Gatsby, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, and The Captive Prince Trilogy.

What are some fun, unknown facts about you?

I have a serious depression and anxiety disorder that no one believes is real because I’m so “outgoing and cheerful,” but I’m really just a very good actress who hides in her closet after social events. Horror movies make me freakishly happy. I’m a Rocky Horror Picture Show fanatic. I have very bad dreams. If I could be any animal, I’d be a shark because I love the ocean but don’t want anything to eat me.

 If you had to give up chocolate or coffee to save the world, would you do it? And which one?

Yep. Both. Due to my anxiety disorder, I’m not supposed to have caffeine, so I’ve dropped both these beautiful, wonderful items from my diet. Now, if you asked me to give up pizza, I’d have to think long and hard … never mind. Goodbye, world. I’m not giving up pizza.

What is up next for you?

I have a YA short story coming out in Lunch Ticket Magazine October 24. I have stories featured in two upcoming anthologies: one about urban legends and one about tattoo kink. Come spring, I have a novella trilogy being released by Pen and Kink Publishing. Then (drum roll), the Bite Somebody sequel, Bite Somebody Else, comes out to effusive and somewhat impatient applause summer of 2017.

Thank you so much for your wonderful interview Sara! 

Stalk Sara Dobie Bauer (She likes it.)




On this day in 1930 – “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” debuted on NBC radio.

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Heather Novak
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Hunting Witch Hazel: Now available
Threat of Raine: 2016
Rosemary for Remembrance: 2016

About Heather Novak, Author

Bold, Breathtaking, Badass Romance. When she’s not pretending to be a rock star with purple hair, Heather Novak is crafting romance novels to make you swoon! After her rare disease tried to kill her, Heather mutated into a superhero whose greatest power is writing romance that you can’t put down. When she’s not obsessively reading or writing, Heather is trying to save the world like her late mama taught her. Heather lives in the coolest city in the world, Detroit, Michigan, with her very own Prince Charming. (He even does dishes.)
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