Interview with Nights of Passion’s Susan Hanniford Crowley about her release WHEN LOVE SURVIVES and more.

I, a.c.Mason, get the honor of turning the tables on Nights of Passion’s Susan Hanniford Crowley.
Welcome Susan! Thank you for letting me interview you.

Can you tell us about you?

I’m married with two grown daughters, a cat, a dog, and a rose bush. I’m a crossover author from science fiction and fantasy.  I love walking on the beach with my husband and collecting dragons.

What was the first story you ever wrote and what was the premise?

When I was eight I wrote a non-fiction essay about a squirrel. We were supposed to be journaling, and my teacher asked me to write about my life. I continued to write about the squirrels in my back yard.

How and when did you decide to crossover from the other genres of fiction your write into romance? And why romance?

About two years ago, I was at the Nebula Awards Weekend, and a fellow writer told me, “Honey, I’ve read your work. You’re really a romance writer.” When I got home I hit the bookstore and bought THE ACCIDENTAL VAMPIRE by Lynsay Sands.  I found paranormal romance to be a writer’s paradise.  To me, it satisfied the science fiction and fantasy part of me and then the romance part gave me abandon as a writer. Paranormal romance authors are definitely unleashed in the exploration of their craft.

What is your all time favorite love tale and why?

WUTHERING HEIGHTS by Emily Brontë.  Heathcliff is the ultimate bad boy who is driven to winning his love no matter what. Catherine knows she should resist him but can’t. It’s an unfulfilled love though and definitely not a happy ending.  Although I’ve never been thrilled with the ending, the characters are masterpieces.

I’d like to do a speed round of one to two word answers. Ready? Go!

What is your favorite:

Ice cream?  Chocolate Cherry

Hot vampire character? Vampire Eric on True Blood

Sci-Fi character?  Han Solo

Villain?  The Alien in Alien

Color?  Plaid, no yellow, no plaid, no blue.  I’m definitely conflicted on this one. LOL

Flower? Peony

Wildlife?  Turtles

Thank you that was fun.

If you could shift to any animal what you’d it be and why?  

 An owl.  I think it would be amazing to see in the dark and fly and be thought of as wise. 

How did this story come to you?

I dreamt it. Then I researched the details.  When I mentioned to my best friend that I was doing a paranormal romance set during the World Trade Center disaster, she showed me her collection of newspapers from that time and let me borrow them. I read and I cried. It was important to me to get the details right even though it’s a fictional story. I also did additional research on the internet on the accounts of survivors and first responders.

What was your favorite part of writing this story?

I loved writing the love scenes and when Regina is trying out her magic.

Please, tell us about WHEN LOVE SURVIVES?

WHEN LOVE SURVIVES is about two supernaturals who meet and fall in love during the rescue efforts at the World Trade Center.



Regina O’Malley is a college student who’s just discovered she’s magic. Today is the first day of her internship at a prominent brokerage house at the World Trade Center, and she’s late. She doesn’t know disaster is right around the corner.



Gregor Vasiliev is a financial advisor at the World Trade Center.  This shapeshifter hates the office coffee, and while on a donut run he gazes out the window of his favorite coffee shop.  There in the street stands the lifemate he’s been searching for.  If he doesn’t act now, he’ll lose her forever.


IT’S SEPTEMBER 11, 2001.


Reggie nearly jumped out of her skin.  Gregor stood beside her.  How did I not notice that he hadn’t left the room with Phil?

            “So what are you?  A witch?”

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

            “I know a Nat when I see one.”  Gregor’s words weren’t accusatory, just matter of fact. 

            “What’s a Nat?”

            “A supernatural.  A being with powers.  That’s what the supernaturals in the city call themselves.  I’m a Nat, too.  I’m a shapeshifter.  Now you know what I am, so what are you?”

            Reggie couldn’t believe it.  She hadn’t even admitted it to herself yet, and here she was going to proclaim her secret to a stranger.  “I’m half leprechaun and half elf.”

            He grinned.  “That would account for you being so delicate looking and lovely.”

            Oh, God.  Her cheeks were hot again, but that wasn’t all.  Something about him was definitely getting to her.  

            Then the world trembled.  Thunder exploded over their heads. 


Where can our readers find WHEN LOVE SURVIVES? 
You can buy WHEN LOVE SURVIVES as an ebook at:
Rating: 3 flames rating as Sensual and with some explicit sex and language.
Length: Novella 15K
Some of our readers are aspiring writers. Can you explain how your writing process works?

I dream and then write it down in the morning. If it’s a day I have off from my day job, I continue writing fleshing it out and researching details. If not, then I put it aside until I come home and write in the evening. I also carry a notebook in my purse, in case I get ideas while waiting in the doctor’s office or any kind of line.

I write every day, so I’ve trained my brain to always be working on a story.

What tips have you learned in your own journey as a writer that you’d like to share with others?

Find a great writers group and critique group.  Make friends and find a critique partner.

Most of all make a plan and stick to it. Don’t give up on yourself. Writing is not a profession for the fainthearted. Be brave, believe, and you’ll find it’s worth it.

If our readers want to learn more about you where can they find you?

Nights of Passion blog
You can find me on Twitter as onlyladyknight
You can find me on Facebook as Susan Hanniford Crowley

Susan, I’ve really enjoyed interviewing you. I wish you and WHEN LOVE SURVIVES great success. Let’s open things up to the Nights of Passion readers for comments and questions.

About Susan Hanniford Crowley

Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, and Science Fiction Author
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6 Responses to Interview with Nights of Passion’s Susan Hanniford Crowley about her release WHEN LOVE SURVIVES and more.

  1. Tawania Etheridge says:

    Hi Susan!
    Great interview, I can’t wait to read your book. Congratulations and much success on it.

  2. Ida says:

    great interview Laides! can not wait to read! Congrads. Susan

  3. RKCharron says:

    Hi 🙂
    I really enjoyed this interview with Susan Crowley.
    I think this is the first paranormal romance set on Sept 11th 2001 in New York.
    I like the premise & the characters are intriguing.
    Thanks for sharing,
    All the best,

  4. Great interview you guys. Love Lynsay Sands, Susan, and I hated the ending of Wuthering Heights too, but dang – Olivier was the hottest!

    Your excerpt is sending me shopping.


  5. Linda Henderson says:

    I enjoy paranormal books, this one sounds great. Very interesting interview.

  6. Thanks so much, everyone.

    And yes, Olivier was the hottest Heathcliff!

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