Photos from the times of the Vampire King of New York

Vampire King of New York is a contemporary paranormal romance, but since Max was there from the very beginning,  can you imagine how he must have see the city change.  I came across some photos that are in the public domain, in Creative Commons license with Wikipedia,  and in a special database that is free to use from the New York Public Library.

Lower Manhattan 1920

This first one is of lower Manhattan
possibly around 1920. Click on it and it
should enlarge for you.

Worker on Empire State Building 1931

Worker on the Empire State Building in 1931.

Statue of Libery Torch

Here is the torch of the
Statue of Liberty in 1894.

New York Public Library 1907

Here is the New York Public Library
in 1907.


Horse Drawn Carriage in 2006.


Here is Times Square in July 2007.

VampyreKingOfNewYork_850 (2)

Here is the Vampire King of
New York available now at
Amazon Kindle. Click to purchase..

This is Max’s New York and ours.  I hope you’ve enjoyed a peek at the enormous history of the city that never sleeps.

Susan Hanniford Crowley

About Susan Hanniford Crowley

Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, and Science Fiction Author
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2 Responses to Photos from the times of the Vampire King of New York

  1. bonniegwen says:

    Great Pictures Susan, I partially liked the ones of the Empire State building and the lady Liberty’s torch. This book is on my Kindle and moving up on my reading list!

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