Forget-Me-Not Paranormal-Scope

Sometimes life gets so busy! Here we are with sunshine and warmings and the paranormal-scope.

While I am not qualified to read either stars or planets, I am intimately linked to the paranormal in the world in many ways. So are you.

The paranormal-scope is for entertainment and is not meant to guide your life.

Faeries sense it in the air. So many things are happening so fast, they tend to forget the things on their list to do. Get together with friends/family. Put it on the top of the list.

Griffins are cautious with their money. Lending money can be troublesome this week.

Elves archive their past adventures but they know to move forward in life means letting go of baggage from the past. Let it go.

Sprites are fearless. Getting past your fears could improve things a lot. Don’t let your fears prevent you from doing something your heart wants.

Salamanders have friends and close friends. This is a great time to go to social events and meet some new people.

Some vampires don’t work and mainly socialize, so they don’t necessarily understand having balance in their lives. Remember to balance your work and personal life so both do well.

Hellhounds are led by their feet. You are feeling that need to travel. If you don’t have the funds, start small with day trips.

Mermaids know what it is to feel anchored. You are holding onto things that are holding you in place. Declutter your house, so if you want something new you have the room to enjoy it.

Werewolves love meeting people. Right now, someone special could be coming your way. Be open to meeting new people.

Sirens sing to get something. You sing for enjoyment. Do some self-wellness and heal from past hurts to move on to better times. Take care of your health.

Shapeshifters enjoy concerts, plays, and indulging their hobbies. Engage in an hobby you had that was fun or find a new one.

Dragons love their family and friends. Host a get-together to make your bonds stronger.

Spring is here! Go out and have fun!

Susan Hanniford Crowley, Amazon Kindle Bestselling Author of Vampire Romance, and now YA sweet adventure novels too.
Where love burns eternal and whispers in the dark!

New Release: David & Laura: A Vampire Christmas Story: Arnhem Knights Special Edition: is available on Kindle and Amazon Paperback

EverNight for ages 13-113 is available on Kindle and Amazon Paperback
EverWarm for ages 13-113 is available on Kindle and Amazon Paperback.
Lady Fallon’s Dragons for ages 13-113 is available on Kindle and Amazon Paperback, Nook, Kobo, Smashwords, BAM online bookstore sells the paperback, Scribd, and in paperback in the UK at Waterstones, also in Amazon around the world.
The Vampire with a Blanket of Stars, Arnhem Knights of New York, Book 3 is available in Amazon Print and Kindle, Nook, Kobo,  Apple, Walmart ebooks & Smashwords.
Vampire King of New York, Arnhem Knights of New York, Book 1 now on Kindle and Print! Walmart Bookstore Online
Vampire in the Basement, Vampires in Manhattan, Book 4 available on Kindle.
Poseidon’s Catch(mythology romance) is available on Kindle.
Mrs. Bright’s Tea Room (steampunk romance) is available on Kindle.
A Vampire for Christmas, Vampires in Manhattan, Book 3 is available on Kindle.
The Stormy Love Life of Laura Cordelais, Vampires in Manhattan, Book 2 available on Kindle and Print and Barnes and Noble Print
When Love Survives, Vampires in Manhattan Book 1 is available on Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Smashwords, and iBooks (on Apple devices).

About Susan Hanniford Crowley

Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, and Science Fiction Author
This entry was posted in A Vampire for Christmas, Amazon Kindle Best Selling Author in Vampire Romance, Amazon Kindle Best Selling Author of Vampire Romance, cats, Egypt, full-moon, Mrs. Bright's Tea Room, New Year, Norse, Nothing is Impossible!, paranormal, paranormal romance, Poseidon's Catch, romance, romance novels, shapeshifters, Spring Equinox, steampunk romance, Susan Hanniford Crowley, The Stormy Love Life of Laura Cordelais, The Vampire with a Blanket of Stars, Vampire in the Basement, Vampire King of New York, Vampire King of New York In Print, Vampire Princess of New York, Viking, Weekly Paranormal-Scope, Weekly Paranormal-Scope, When Love Survives, WHEN LOVE SURVIVES, Yule and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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