Nights of Passion’s is thrilled to have Paranormal Romance author Annie Nicholas back. Thank you for joining us.

Welcome Annie! Thank you for letting me, interview you.

 Thanks for having me , Mason.

 Tell our readers what you’ve been up to since you were last here?

Busy, busy, busy. I have new release coming out. The second book to The Angler series: CATCH will be available on Oct. 11 continuing the adventures of Connie Bence. Also, I discovered that werewolves can fall in love with mermaids in a new novella that I’ve recently contracted and to end my summer I’ve launched a new website.    

The new site looks great! I’d like to do a speed round of one to two word answers. Ready, go!
What is your favorite: 

Vampire? Old Nosferatu

 City? Montreal

 Tackle? Worms

 Blood type? AB- 

Thank you that was fun.

I loved Bait but can you explain to our readers what fishermen have to do with Vampire hunting?

Oh! It’s all the same. Just what a person catches is the difference. A good angler needs to know what bait to use, where to cast it, and how to real the fish in. The same goes for vampire slayers except in my stories you’re never too sure who the angler is and who’s the catch.

Please, tell us about your latest book? 

 CATCH from Liquid Silver Books



Caught between two vampires, Connie is torn between Rurik, the one she loves and Tane, the one she’d love to stake. 

Hunger burns in Connie Bences’ soul–she craves the blood of her vampire lover, Rurik, but it’s not satisfying her needs anymore. It’s driving her insane. Desperate to find help, Rurik brings her to Rio De Janeiro, where Tane rules the vampire nation.

The back-stabbing vampire almost killed her and Rurik when they’d first met, then used them to obtain his crown.  She would rather stake him, but the small drop of Nosferatu blood he’d forced her to drink in Budapest is blooming into a bond, one which ties her life to his. One he won’t hesitate to manipulate. 

He admits to binding her so Rurik would have to remain at his side, but their timing couldn’t be any worse.  The betrayer finds himself betrayed. Tane’s rule is in upheaval and he’s forced to place his trust in two people who owe him no allegiance—her and Rurik.  In the middle of a power struggle, Connie fights to keep her lover, but didn’t plan on Tane slipping into her heart.   


The cab pulled in front of the hotel and the doorman helped me out after I paid for the ride.

“Senhora, are you well?”

I turned my head from searching the streets for my pursing vampire. Still no signs of Rurik. Could it be possible? Did I win?

“Senhor Rurik, I didn’t see you in the cab.” The doorman’s comment made my hopes drop like a rock.

My lover’s hands rested on my shoulders before he whispered, “Gotcha.”

“Motherfucker.” I shrugged off his hands then stomped through the entrance to the elevators, leaving a wide-eyed doorman and a grinning vampire.

When I hit the up button, the doors slid open. Rurik stopped them from closing with his hand and stepped inside. He cornered me and leaned in for a kiss.

“Hold on.” I pushed against his chest, but may as well have tried to stop a bus. His lips brushed along mine with a feathery skill that curled my toes as his hands caressed my waist then my ass.

“You did good.” He spoke against my mouth.

“I made it to the door. We should consider it a win.” With a quirk of my eyebrow, I gave him a shove and tried to squeeze past his solid mass. The elevator stopped on our suite’s floor at the top of the building. I didn’t get far.

Rurik flung me over his shoulder one-handed. “No, it’s a loss but I’ll reward you for good effort.” He entered our room and crossed to the bedroom.

I twisted around as we passed the bed. “What are you doing?” My heart skipped a beat, the pace quickening.

He opened the closet door, pushed the clothes aside and set me in the small space.

“Don’t you dare lock me in!” The walls felt close and even though the ceiling towered over me, the space lacked air. I reached out the doorway to grasp at anything to help pull me out.

Rurik clasped my hands to his chest. “Connie, when have I done something you didn’t like?” The calm in his voice soothed me enough to listen and the use of my real name drew my attention. He didn’t use it often. Not giving me anytime to respond, he slipped my shirt over my head.

“Sex? Here?” I glanced over my shoulder to the sparse clothing on the closet rod and a cute pair of black heels on the floor. I planned to wear them later to the fireworks at the beach.

He skimmed my shorts and panties off my hips then knelt to remove my running shoes.

“I’m sweaty and I smell.”

As he stood, he pressed his clothed body to mine and reached around me. “It makes you spicy.” The bra clasp sprung behind my back. It tumbled to my feet, allowing my nipples to harden as the cold air conditioning hit them. He stepped back, his hungry stare never leaving my cleavage.

I didn’t know this game. Closet sex? If he kept the door opened, maybe I could manage. He sort of won the hunt and got to be the boss for the night. Next time we needed to change some rules to the game, I’ve never managed to escape. Either he tracked prey very well or I sucked at running away.

Rurik told me once I subconsciously wanted to get caught.

He yanked off his t-shirt and exposed a fine set of six-pack abs.

Maybe I did want him to catch me.

A discarded black silk tie lay on top of the dresser. He picked it up and snapped it against his hand.

The sharp crack made me jump and retreat farther into the closet so I stood under the rod. Getting whipped didn’t turn me on, but I needed to remember this was the vampire who’d given up being the Overlord of Budapest to be with me. Not once in the last seventeen months had he hurt me, no matter how extreme his tastes, or how vigorous our bed play. His smile reassured me and I placed my trust in him.

“Raise your arms and grasp the bar.”

 What’s the theme of the book?  

It’s about being caught in a terrible situation, trapped in a horrid love triangle, and dragged into political turmoil. All set in the sultry nights of Rio des Janeiro over the New Years Eve weekend.

 What other books do you have available. 

The Angler Book One: BAIT where you are introduced to my heroine Connie Bence and are tossed into a hot bed of action in the golden nights of Budapest.

The Vanguard series:

The Omegas where you meet the pansies of the paranormal, my geeky werewolf pack, and their neighbor Sugar who falls for the vampire who will train them how to fight. 

The Alpha where Eric, the new alpha of the Omegas, is faced with his high school crush, Sugar’s twin Spice, and she’s looking at if he were sex on a stick.

Red Dawn is a space opera containing action, sweet alien attraction, and hard decisions.

Some of our readers are also writer. What is the best pieces of advice you can give about editing?  

Never stop writing, get to know other writers, and work hard.

I write 365 days a year even though I work a full time job and raise a family. It’s not work, its escapism.  

What other books do you have on the horizon? 

Irresistible Werewolves believe in soul mates, Sirens eat theirs.” Has been contracted, no release date as of yet. 

I am working on the next Vanguard book. 

What’s next for you? 

I’ll be writing. No big plans, just going with the flow. And you?

Oh me, nothing. I’m still working on taking over the world. But don’t tell anyone! 

If our readers want to learn more about you where can they go? 

They can find me at my new website Paranormal with a Twist. 

My blog:

Or at Paranormal Romantics 

Annie Nicholas, I’ve had a blasting good time interviewing you. I wish you the best. And send all sexy vampires my way.  

CATCH from Liquid Silver Books is available on Oct 11, 2010.

That’s today people! Get a move on it or get out of my way. Mason’s waves to readers.

Annie’s giveaway is a choice of one of her backlist of ebooks.

Now for the contest, it’s simple. To be eligible, just comment on this interview and one lucky winner will be randomly drawn by Annie Nicholas. You’ll receive notification from her that you’ve won.  The contest will end at 9 PM Eastern Time on Oct 11 2010. Open worldwide. (Please note some countries will restrict books with content they deem questionable.)

About Susan Hanniford Crowley

Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, and Science Fiction Author
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10 Responses to Nights of Passion’s is thrilled to have Paranormal Romance author Annie Nicholas back. Thank you for joining us.

  1. Yadira A. says:

    Hi Annie!
    Thanks for the cliffhanger excerpt, lol! Sounds like it’ll be a fun story! CONGRATS on it’s release!!! I’m looking forward to your next book Irresistible… the tag line really caught my attention. I’ll be on the lookout for that one for sure:)

  2. Thanks Yadira! Irresistible was inspired by my readers. I ran a poll on Paranormal Romanitcs a year ago asking what two creatures they would like to see together is a book.

  3. Audra Holtwick says:

    I can’t wait to read your book- thank you for a great interview

  4. Janet Hagen says:

    Nice catchy sneak peak, I haven’t read your books yet, but will check them out now. Seems to have a slight D&s thread perhaps? Anyhow, I like your writing style, it comes across smooth. Good pick for an excerpt.

  5. Cathy M says:

    Hi Annie,

    Happy Release Day! Loved the storyline of Bait, and the hotter than hot chemistry of Connie and Rurik. Thanks for the sneak peek of Catch, it’s already up on my weekend buy list.

  6. Great sneak peek!

    Looks like an interesting book. 🙂

  7. Annie Nicholas says:

    Audra: Thanks!

    Janet: A little D&S in this story but it is hard to be a human in a vampire nation. LOL

    Cathy: Wait until you read more of Tane. 😉

    Silke: Thanks!

  8. Carol L. says:

    Hi Annie,
    What a great excerpt tease. ;0 Look forward to reading this.I really enjoyed Red Dawn. Thanks for the opportunity.
    Carol L.

  9. The contest is closed. Thank you all for stopping by.


  10. Tessa says:

    What a fabulous interview, thank you so much! Your book sounds awesome.

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