I Felt A Breeze Paranormal-Scope

I know we’re still in a heat wave. But I’m an optimist! Keep cool.

I am not qualified to read either stars or planets, I am intimately linked to the paranormal in the world in many ways. So are you.

The paranormal-scope is for entertainment and is not meant to guide your life.

Werewolves seek out the advice of elders when there’s something they want to change about themselves. Talking to an elder might be beneficial to you.

Mermaids are great collaborators. This might be a good time to find collaborators on a project you’ve been thinking of.

Pixies know what happened when you work and work without stopping. It’s time to schedule in some relaxation time. Cherish it.

Shapeshifters love their friends and enjoy making new friends. Get out there and socialize.

Vampires have gotten ahead because they only say important things in private settings. The world doesn’t have to know everything you do. Build trust with others.

Hellhounds love traveling in groups. Group tours and trips can be fun. Consider it.

Elves work well with others. Often group projects are surprisingly productive. Get to know your colleagues.

Faeries view summer as fun. Plan some fun activities, day trips, and indulge in some hobbies.

Goblins are going through their budget so make sure they can afford that trip. You might want to go through your finances too.

Dragons are great diplomats. What matters is how you say, how you communicate! You get more flies with honey.

Sprites love to run, but sometimes they run through their budget too. It’s tempting to spend a lot on fun, but check that you have enough for future expenditures.

Gargoyles like to let their hair down and be authentic. I know it’s hard to realize but even stone can smile. Enjoy being you.

Summer will officially be here on the 21! Take care of yourself and those you love.

Susan Hanniford Crowley, Amazon Kindle Bestselling Author of Vampire Romance, and now YA sweet adventure novels too.
Where love burns eternal and whispers in the dark!

New Release: David & Laura: A Vampire Christmas Story: Arnhem Knights Special Edition: is available on Kindle and Amazon Paperback

EverNight for ages 13-113 is available on Kindle and Amazon Paperback
EverWarm for ages 13-113 is available on Kindle and Amazon Paperback.
Lady Fallon’s Dragons for ages 13-113 is available on Kindle and Amazon Paperback, Nook, Kobo, Smashwords, BAM online bookstore sells the paperback, Scribd, and in paperback in the UK at Waterstones, also in Amazon around the world.
The Vampire with a Blanket of Stars, Arnhem Knights of New York, Book 3 is available in Amazon Print and Kindle, Nook, Kobo,  Apple, Walmart ebooks & Smashwords.
Vampire King of New York, Arnhem Knights of New York, Book 1 now on Kindle and Print! Walmart Bookstore Online
Vampire in the Basement, Vampires in Manhattan, Book 4 available on Kindle.
Poseidon’s Catch(mythology romance) is available on Kindle.
Mrs. Bright’s Tea Room (steampunk romance) is available on Kindle.
A Vampire for Christmas, Vampires in Manhattan, Book 3 is available on Kindle.
The Stormy Love Life of Laura Cordelais, Vampires in Manhattan, Book 2 available on Kindle and Print and Barnes and Noble Print
When Love Survives, Vampires in Manhattan Book 1 is available on Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Smashwords, and iBooks (on Apple devices).

About Susan Hanniford Crowley

Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, and Science Fiction Author
This entry was posted in A Vampire for Christmas, Amazon Kindle Best Selling Author in Vampire Romance, Amazon Kindle Best Selling Author of Vampire Romance, Astronomy - planetary alignment, cats, Egypt, full-moon, Mrs. Bright's Tea Room, New Year, Norse, Nothing is Impossible!, paranormal, paranormal romance, Poseidon's Catch, romance, romance novels, shapeshifters, Spring Equinox, steampunk romance, Susan Hanniford Crowley, The Stormy Love Life of Laura Cordelais, The Vampire with a Blanket of Stars, Vampire in the Basement, Vampire King of New York, Vampire King of New York In Print, Vampire Princess of New York, Viking, Weekly Paranormal-Scope, Weekly Paranormal-Scope, When Love Survives, WHEN LOVE SURVIVES, Yule and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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